Career Counselling is also known as career guidance. Career can be helpful at any stage of life. It helps a person determine his career at the right point in time. Career development is a lifelong process. It does not matter if you were aware it did start a long time back. A Career can be affected by numerous factors. One’s interests, abilities, personality, values, family background, and other factors can influence his career. It is where career comes into the picture.

Counselling is a process that will help you understand based on your aptitude, personality, and interests. It will help you comprehend the world of work and make decisions regarding career, life, and education.

Career is more than just deciding which job do you want or what subject do you want to choose in college. It is a lifelong process meaning when situations might change, career and life decisions should also be changed.

What is the role of a career counsellor?

  1. Help you understand yourself and what you want in life.
  2. Talk to you about your emotions, feelings, and thoughts
  3. Understand your goals and help to formulate a plan to achieve them.
  4. Help you in locating resources of career information.
  5. Help you in assessing your interests, abilities, and values.       

Who needs career counselling?

As mentioned earlier, career development is a lifelong process. Therefore, any person can need career counselling at any age and position. Any person who has some conflict regarding his career can opt for counselling sessions. Many times, a student or a professional may have unwanted habits. A career counsellor can also help you in getting rid of unwanted behaviour like procrastination and neglecting your health both, mental and physical. A career counsellor also helps his/her client gaining confidence. Motivating students or any other person who is not so confident is a part of their job. They will help you stay calm and remove all the career-related frustration you might have. Convince you to vent out all negative emotions and thoughts and help you focus on the right place that is necessary. They help you in making your life more organized.

Who is a career counsellor?

A career counsellor holds a master’s degree and has expertise in career development, counselling techniques, career information resources, and other related fields. A career counsellor is trained to assist with any problem you might be facing in your career.


Career is a process of advice-giving by career counsellors to their clients. A career counsellor helps his clients make decisions about their career based on what they want deep inside their mind. Having struggled in figuring out your career? Adapt to Achieve is the best career counselling agency in Chandigarh. We have helped numerous students and professionals with their lives in past years. Don’t miss a chance to achieve the best in life. Contact us today and we will help you find your path to succes

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