Career planning is not something you can do once and get over. Do it repeatedly. Succeeding in a dynamic environment that includes the workplace requires a career management plan. Do not worry about your age or stage of your career.

These are few tips to help you with career planning at any age or career stage

1. Keep an up-to-date resume

A crucial thing in career planning is maintaining an up-to-date CV. To have an attractive CV, do not miss opportunities. Grab them when they present themselves. No matter in which industry you are or on what career level, learning how to write a resume and keeping it up to date is a terrific annual exercise. Always keep a record of your achievements. It is helpful for both your resume as well as career planning.

2. Make career planning a regular event

It does not matter where you are in your career today. Make career planning a regular habit. Frequently see where you are. Are you heading in the right direction for your career? Do it anytime you feel suitable. Verify if this is what you want to be doing in life.

3. Reflect on your career path

Reflect on your career path, compare it to the last session you had for career planning. Research shows reflection increases productivity and performance. Take time and think about where you currently are and where you want to be in the future. It is always a lot easy to formulate a plan if you have clear goals. Plan your career as per your lifestyle. You can experience career growth by investing in your career development. For example, attending different training sessions and workshops is helpful. Explore some person at a post you fascinate. Make him/her your mentor if possible. 

4. Reflect on what you like, dislike, need and want from work

Our likes and dislikes change over time, so it is always a good idea to reflect on what you feel strongly about in your life and career. Choose a job that you love and not even for a day you will feel like you are working. If you do not enjoy your work, you should probably change your job or career.

5. Identify your other skills

For example, you are in the position of Job Analyst whereas you possess a lot of knowledge regarding project management. Do not ignore those skills. It can always help you to apply for some other job. If you are good at an activity, mention it in your resume always.

6. Set defined goals

It is not like you cannot have a successful career without setting goals but, it is always better to do so. Introspect and decide what are your short-term and long-term goals. Write them down somewhere. It helps in creating a sense of responsibility.  

 7. Explore opportunities

One should never miss a chance to grow. Seize the opportunities when available. Learn new skills, attend seminars, various other activities. It plays a valuable role in reaching your goals. Try building relationships with other people both within and outside of your organisation. Build contacts with leaders by who you feel motivated. Attend job-related conferences. You do not always have to learn what you like. Try stepping out of your comfort zone and learning things you are afraid of or maybe don’t prefer doing.


It is never too late to change your life, to be a specific career. Your age or stage of your work-life cannot stop you. Explore the best advice for your career path at Adapt to Achieve, Chandigarh.

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